Refrigerated 3Tier Cooler for Confectionery Manufacturing – RC14

Ideal for factories with a hotter ambient air temperature and therefore require a more intense cooling medium than our standard ambient cooler.

Built in China & UK


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The Refrigerated Cooler 3-Tier – RC14 is specifically designed for confectionery factories operating in environments with elevated ambient temperatures. The 3 tier cooling system is essential for ensuring the quality and consistency of products like lollipops and die formed candies, particularly in settings where standard ambient cooling is insufficient.

Key Features:

  1. Triple-Tier Cooling: Equipped with three levels of food-grade plastic air mesh belts, the RC14 provides a comprehensive and even cooling process.
  2. Integrated Refrigeration System: The cooler includes a built-in refrigeration system, allowing precise control over the cooling temperature. This is vital for adapting to varying production needs and environmental conditions, ensuring optimal cooling.
  3. Directed Air Jets: The RC14 utilizes directed air jets, a critical component in preventing the formation of flat spots on lollipops, a common issue in inferior cooling systems. This targeted air flow ensures a uniform cooling process.
  4. Thermal Plastic Enclosure: The entire unit is housed in a durable thermal plastic enclosure, enhancing the efficiency of the cooling process.
  5. Flexible Cooling Options: While primarily a refrigerated cooler, the RC14 also offers ambient cooling capabilities, making it a versatile choice for different production requirements.
  6. Customised to Your Requirements: The final cooler size and capacity can be customised to your specific requirements.


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